About #CashlessConsumer

What is #CashlessConsumer?

#CashlessConsumer is a voluntary consumer awareness initiative about various cashless forms of transactions educating customers about upsides (every bank / fintech company should have told you already, we would soon tell consumer upsides) and downsides of #Cashless, security best practises, seek better consumer protection in the cashless era.

Why is it focussed only on UPI?

#CashlessConsumer is open to include all forms of cashless systems, however since volunteer time is a limited, it focusses only on #UPI.

Where can I learn more on UPI?

To learn more on UPI, refer to NPCI FAQs . We are working on a simpler, detailed FAQ from a consumer perspective. Coming soon.

Who are you?

We are a bunch of volunteers, inviting more volunteers to work on simplifying cashless to consumers while seeking / protecting rights as a consumer. Brickbats, offers to volunteer welcome. (Need Web designers, web / app developers, translators, social media campaigners, policy researchers, cashless consumers) Email us :- cashlessconsumerin at gmail dot com.

Disclaimer This site is in no way related to NPCI. The use of UPI logo is QRCode generator is within fair use clause. This site does not collect any personal data from anyone. This site is non-commercial.